Cracked Egg….

Colouring pencils

Image via Wikipedia

i feel that when you look at a certain piece of art, it moves you in a certain way. whether its good or bad who knows but it gives you feeling and opens a world that, until then might have been closed.

When i look at the sunrise in the mornings, i always get reminded of this painting… i cant tell if its a sunset or sunrise, but i like to believe the latter. Either way this painting speaks very loud to me…

The egg symbolizes the rising Sun and the beginning of life. In many myths about the creation of the world, a cosmic egg is laid by a giant bird in a formless, ancient ocean. The egg splits into two and the sky and the earth appear from the halves of it, while the sun is seen in the yolk. You can see in the picture that the newborn Sun still hasn’t taken its final shape yet. Shreds of primary matter continue to stream from the burning sphere rising over the ocean. According to Polynesian myth, the Hawaiian Islands were born from such an egg

About uneekamarie

i love all art forms... View all posts by uneekamarie

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